Google +1 for your website

Google is introducing a new feature in Google search results +1 buttons that can be placed on any web pages via a simple script code. The code/button is supported in 44 languages, but +1 activity continues to show only on English-language search results on and for others language google is working.

Webmasters can use Google’s self-serve code generator to customize the size and language of the button, along with a few other advanced options.

Basically, it tells you how popular the post/page is after you search. The idea is that the more +1′s it shows the more popular.

I’m hoping that the Google +1 button, extension or bookmarklet will make it easier for educators to find good content. Of course Twitter is a great resource for educators but these days I think the more educators can share, the better.

Introduction Video:

Google has made it very easy for Chrome users to +1 a post or site by offering their +1 Plus One Extension for sites that do not have the button. For other browsers you can add a +1 bookmarklet that you can find at this Digital Inspiration post. All you have to do is drag it to your bookmark bar and then you’ll be able to +1 any page you visit.